Are we alone in the Universe? by Jugal Kishor Das

Are we alone in the Universe?

Are We Alone In The Universe? SPACE MAGICA

Life is itself a mystery which is yet unsolved. Many a times a question arises that how could we exist in the nature? Why did the big bang occur? Is there only one Universe exist or many? And the most incredible question is that are we alone in the Universe or some other creatures do also exist in the Universe?

It is unbelievable to think that everything does exist inside the living organisms that are indispensable for their survival like all the mandatory systems (digestive systems, circulatory system, central nervous system etc.) , all the biological chemical processes like enzymes actions, respiration etc. , muscular system, trillions of neurons, bones, blood formation activity, excretory system, etc. . Even the highly effective and corrosive hydrochloric acid is present inside the human stomach. The existences of all these things are yet incredible for Scientist.

God had made almost everything symmetrical in the Universe. If there's a night then day would also be there, if a body can fall by some force then the body can also move upward by some external applied force against the initial one etc. In a like manner may be some other worlds also exist, or may be a mirror world is not fake. Many mysteries are there, expectation is still there in the heart of the humans to have a strong clue in the future associated with the above queries.

Many believe that aliens exist. Space agencies like NASA did a several failed attempt to communicate with the aliens. No evidence has yet been founded about the aliens. It is not necessary that the other creature should have the structures like human. Maybe they are something different, something new and something special for the humans.

Scientists are still searching for an extrasolar planet where life could exist. Universe is very huge as compared to us living in a small planet. By staying on a point like tiny planet, we couldn't predict the presence of a life in the Universe by using the present technology. There are trillions of stars appear in the night sky and that stars too have many planets. Detecting a life in a quadrillions of planets is not a very easy task. It really very arduous. Research are still in process to solve the mysteries of existence of other creatures in the Universe. May be we will have some clues about the aliens in the future. Maybe the aliens are more intelligent, powerful and talented than us. May be they have many developed technologies than we have. A lots of questions and a lots of doubts are there , which would become clear in the coming future.

This Article written by Jugal Kishor Das.

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