Astrobiologist. Oumaima Mouttaky in Astronauts Talk with Space Magica













Read about her in her words

Everything starts as a dream! Yes, that's always been my idea, since when I was a young girl, when I used spending my time lying down on my house's rooftop, watching the starry sky

 I've been wondering about this so many times, it really easy understands how these thousands of lights in the sky have affected people's lives throughout the ages.

I've always been fascinated by the Universe and its mechanics. 

This led me thinking about the one and only wish I ever had in my whole young existence since I was born  Knowing more about the Universe and its mechanics, I couldn’t ask for more

As the years passed by, I grown up and started studying a discipline which was extremely far from what I've been dreaming all my childhood times for, realizing I made a big  mistake, because I suddenly had the feeling that those studies didn't meet my expectations.

I really didn’t belong to them. Trying to let your dreams go with no valid reason is a complete mistake, exactly like losing your home or family, Letting go your regrets when it looks like your world is crashing down all around you would be even worse.

It’s time to let my past and all regrets to be gone apart now, and clinging to the good old memories of course, and avoiding to make the same mistakes, I have to do it if I really want to keep my dreams alive, because a dream without a plan will remain just a wish

 It was a hot summer when I started thinking again about my dream, in order to take the right decision and definitely change my whole life.

It was a little bit complicated to convince my parents, my relatives and my friends as well,

I've been forced listening to so many so-called 'advice' which often hurt my feelings.

 Things like: you're just wasting your time to re-start everything from scratch and so on...

Well maybe it was my first obstacle but I never lost my faith on myself since my parents always gave me their support, and encouraged me.

People only want to break you down along with your dreams; I realize that sometimes it's really hard keeping your dreams alive.                           

 But I must say that those demoralizing thoughts gave me the will to start working for my goals,

And maybe now they’re not so out of reach as they might look like before…

Although I know that I still didn’t reach them yet, it looks like I've been travelling for billion if not trillion of miles away from my starting point floating and travelling into deep space just simply using my imagination.

The summer has come to its natural end, and I started realizing about the seriousness of the situation.


A grateful experience

When I started attending my first classes and faced so many problems,

I had to fight hard to fulfill my schedules, plans and programs; it’s been pleasant by the way, since I had so much fun practicing and becoming experienced with all the lab activities along with my team.

I had the chance to meet new amazing friends and I shared with them very nice memories which I will never forget.

Now I’m on my way, after having achieved a good background on the field I chose and I know that there are so many more activities and hard working for me to come, but I’m extremely excited to face them, I feel myself so ready to fight! 

 I will be sharing several updates in the future with you all!

Dear readers!

While you are reading these lines, I want to share something with you!

You are amazing, breathtaking, smart, and wonderful people, just keep yourself the way you are, you can make and achieve things you never expected, you can just be everything if you want!

I wanted to let you know that there’s always that thing called 'obstacles' that will face you wherever you will go.

My friends, keep in mind that the day you will allow people destroying and stealing your dreams, well,

That day you will lose your whole dignity, faith, and self-confidence.

Prove them they're wrong about you, keep punishing them with your kindness, in a silent way,

Until your achievement will be higher than they expected and sounding loud enough to generate the noise of your success.

This is the right perspective to rebuild yourself, build your own fortress where no one could drag you down from,

Where no one could even break the rules of your own game

Some people are good to give you wise advises, but they're actually lying to you,

They hide themselves because they are false and misleading people, wise with lies, you just keep yourself far from those persons,

They mean nothing for you, there's no need for you to waste your time and make them satisfied with your failures.

All that you need, my friends, is just a little fragment of motivation, self-confidence and joy, because you are strong enough, and already have your inner light; you only need to trust the Universe.

              -“One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away.”  

-"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at''

                                   -Stephen Hawking.

Copyright:  Oumaima Mouttaky and

Astronauts Talk With SPACE MAGICA

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  1. Really appreciated like your struggle story.


If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future.”............... Germany Kent