According to the second law of thermodynamics, Ghost shouldn’t exist! But why? Read this to figure it out


But you may ask, what is 2nd law of thermodynamics? 

The simple answers are that the total entropy (a measure of disorder, although it is not it’s the best definition) of an isolated system always increases over time, no matter what! Cleaning your room also increases the entropy of the Universe, since, clean and dirty room are two states of the system, so a dirty room has equal entropy as that of a clean one. But when you clean your room, you do some work, disorder the ordered food, you sweat etc. resulting in a total increase of the entropy of the universe! 

So why ghosts shouldn’t exist?

Because we can't touch and interact with them, ghosts can't be made of matter, but instead of energy. 

And if energy is necessarily lost within every system - particularly if they're doing anything that requires using more of it, such as moving, emitting light, or making spooky sounds - it would be impossible for them to maintain their existence for any significant time.

If we accept that the energy that continues apparitions isn't an altogether new substance or medium, yet carries on from when we were living, at that point this puzzling power controlling the particles that make up our cells would have been identified in the Large Hadron Collider (The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider and the largest machine in the world) at this point.


I would not say that they can’t exist as the universe is in a sense "infinite". Altho we know it had a start 13.8 billion years ago so it isn't infinite. There is a possibility that there are particles or different versions of energy out there that we haven't discovered yet even with the hadron collider. But till now, according to the laws of physics ghosts shouldn’t exist! So, from now you don’t have to check under the bed before sleeping, and please share this to someone afraid of ghosts and comment down your views and please subscribe to this website! Thank you for your time

This article is written by Aryan Bandyopadhyay for

Image courtesy - Google

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