The matter-antimatter asymmetry problem and the Big Bang. by NILIMA CHAKRA

In the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang should have created equal amount of matter and anti-matter. Today we observe that everything is made up from matters. There are very few amount of antimatter, less than 1%. Which thing caused the asymmetry of matter and antimatter? Which thing protected the universe from? Antimatter? Which thing protected the universe from annihilation of matter and antimatter? Antimatter particles are almost identical to their matter counter parts except that they carry the opposite charge and spin . When antimatter meets matter they immediately annihilate into energy. In the stationary of Big Bang the universe was hot and dense. The particles - antiparticle pairs popping in and out. If matter and antimatter are created and destroyed together, it seems the universe should contain nothing but leftover energy. The LHCb collaboration at CERN has seen the matter and antimatter asymmetry for the first time known as cp violation in the DO Known as cp violation in the DO meson. This experiment was conduct in between 2011 to 2018. In this experiment they looked the decay of DO particles and anti-DO particles. When the DO particles and anti-DO particles decayed gives kaons and pions. But they look the difference between DO particles and anti-DO particles decayed product's amount. "Looking for these two decay products in our unprecedented sample of DO particles gave us the required sensitivity to measure the tiny amount of CP violation expected for such decays. Measuring the extent of the violation then boiled down to counting the DO and anti-Do decays and taking the difference," explained Giovanni Difference," explained Giovanni Passaleva, spokesperson for the LHCb collaboration. 

This result gives the new hope to understand the particle and anti-particle asymmetry problem and also help to understand the starting phase of the Big Bang and the universe.

article is written by Nilima Chakra
image credit - google

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