The story of selling the moon's land, do you want to buy the land on the moon?

The news was coming on TV; an Indian actor has bought a small piece of land. The news anchor was showing documents of land which the actor had purchased. Those papers were not of any common land but he had bought land on the moon (the only natural satellite of earth). moon for sale 

Land on the moon? Is that really possible? Can people buy land on the moon?

Hello and welcome to Space Magica and today we will read the story of selling the moon!!!!!

A person named Dennis Hope of California started the business of selling moon's land, now you might be wondering who allowed Dennis to do this business? In 1969, the United Nations passed an interim agreement according to which the government of any country in the world cannot assert its authority over any part of space? In this agreement, the unemployed Hope saw an error, in that agreement, it was never written that no person or corporate could take possession. Hope took advantage of this and he registered the moon and the other 8 planets in the name of the American government in San Francisco, after that, those papers were sent to the General Assembly of the United Nations, the government of the United States, and Russia, none of them objected to this matter of hope. Hope took advantage of this and got registered under the US Copyright Act.

What was after this, the business of buying and selling land on the moon has started! Hope's Lunar Republic Society has sold moon land to more than 2.5 million people in more than 180 countries, Lunar deed, a Lunar site map, and Lunar constitution and bill of rights are given to anyone who has purchased land on the moon Along with this, a book is also given, in which the whole story of Hope and how Hope has a monopoly on the moon is also told.

lunar deed

Many people have bought land on the moon. Interestingly, former US President Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Donald Trump have also bought land on the moon from Hope.

When China’s space program announced plans to send a rover to the Moon, Hope sent them a polite letter granting them permission to explore but informed them that any permanent settlement would have to be preempted by a lease with the property owner.

lunar society 

Experts of the law dismiss the authority on the moon of the hope, In order to prove Hope's point wrong in 2001 pope stated, He has the right over the sun, and whoever uses the energy of the sun in the universe will have to pay the price to the pope.

According to jurists and pope, Dennis Hope is trapping the people, they are pleading with the people not to buy the land from him (hope), but yet Dennis Hope's company has sold more than 800 million hectares of land of the moon!


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  1. Empty mind is devil's workshop,
    From today
    Empty mind is selling moon workshop ��


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