Alexander Monte Election Candidate for President and Ambassador's Representative


"May the Stars light from you"

My name is Alexander Monte

I'm BS Astronomy Student and soon i will become an Astronomer after achieving that kind of Profession I will jump off to become an Astronaut. I choose Astronomy because i know this degree will help me once i explore the Cosmos. Also i want to become a first Filipino Astronaut and become a first Human in Planet Venus; I hope you help with this.

Election Day 22nd January 2021 (IST)


Vote For me, WHY?

I'm very suitable in every title, especially becoming a President because before I'm being elected to become an Organization President of our School which is the President of Supreme Student Government (SSG). Our Organization is become successful and a lot of platform that we achieve in just a year. After I become a President I start in the lower first ofcourse i become a SSG Representative, but this time whatever tittle I situated I accept this and do my best i mean my fully best to achieve my dreams and plans and also Space Magica's Dream. BEING A LEADER IS NOT EASY BUT IT'S VERY ENJOYABLE, EXPLORING AND EXCITING FOR ANOTHER GREAT DAY OF STRESS AND RELIEF. Vote me because i already have a lot of experience in becoming a Leader i mean a Great Leader.

"Come on and Let's Go with my Journey"

(you can check my IG account to learn more about me also learn more about astronomy: @astroalexanderr )

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