Devendra K Yadav Election Candidate for President and Ambassador's Representative

Well!! Currently I'm an 2nd Year College Student (12) , In Science Stream . I had perused PCM (Physics, Chemistry & Math) along with the Computer science!! I know It's First election of Space Magica for The respective Posts so  ( 2021 is like A Remarkable year for Space Magica ) As well us for Me ( I hope 2021 Will Be my Best Year.. Because I'm Gonna Remember this throughout my whole life time , I have Boards Exams as well JEE to .. !! I'm Going to persue My masters in Aerospace engineering , Once Got into an respected IIT college , N future is beyond !! So that's all about my Academics

Election Day 22nd January 2021 (IST)


Vote For me, WHY?

 First of all I would like to Thanks Space Magica for this Leadership opportunity!!

Point To be noted!! This is the Question of the Day 😀 !! Anyways let me tell  , Sometimes this thought strikes in my mind also, That if I get the chance to Be the Administrator of ISRO or any other Space Agencies , What are all Those changes which I could made for a betterment future of ISRO  ( or any respected Space Agencies) !!  It's My thought on the Quetion !! Now let me tell you that I'm an Certified Member of Space Magica , I had completed recieved my Space Camp certificate in the month of October , I had attended 7 days space Camp from My Home  n I have learned A lot of Intresting things from the Camp !! I'm also been Certified by NASA for Participating in Lunar Loo Challenge 2020 , It was the super team of 5 Students across the country , we're not won the Competition but we have learnt a lot n Gain an Sufficient experience about International level Competitions

!!  I had Dream to make an SPACE CAMP in my Country ( like , Huntsville, Alabama) But Much Advance n Better than That , So that Every single Person Of the Country would have benefit of that and to Entend the Youth N the future of India Towards in  The Field STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ) N we Indians Would be on Top in Space Race along with the World !!


Thank You so much Space Magica !!

I'm Hoping to be the President or Brand Ambassador of Space Magica 🚀✨ 🚀 !!

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