Kishore.A Election Candidate for President and Ambassador's Representative

As i have lead many startups in past and now working as a technical lead in top space startups like SSRED SKI etc with humble note i mean that i will be suitable for the post.

Election Day 22nd January 2021 (IST)

Vote for me why?

It will be very helpful and useful for me if I get chance to participate in the internship program. I’m kishore.A an B.E student in the stream of aeronautics from India. I’m in my 3rd year of studies and currently doing many projects and one of my most successful innovative project is STAAR(space trash accumulator and re-sender). As I want to impress you I like to share some of my achievements to you, as I mentioned above I use to do my own research projects that STAAR has been selected by the spacex space debris reducing competition from India I’m the one who got selected and a project called PYRAMIODRONE a drone which can able to fly and can able to go under water has been selected in DRDO and has been funded by ISRO for my implementation process. These are all some of my own achievements and still more to go proofs for these and the rest of my achievements has been detailed in my resume. What’s the use for society when I get selected to this? As I was interested in my fields I use to conduct workshop, seminars and guest lecturers to the people who can’t able to experience these kind of activities because of the financial problem. Once If I come and attuned over there I can interact with more knowledge people and I can able to get more knowledge too. So consider my letter, And will be waiting for the result. Let me hope for good


2015-ISRO innovation award

2019-2020 NASA scientist for the day

 2019-Junior Arjuna Award

2020-NSF best young scientist award

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