Tami, Election Candidate for Ambassador's Representative

 I'm a high school student of 11th Grade in Science stream! I have graduated grade 10th with 91% overall marks and currently working to score well in grade 12

Dreams: My dream is to be a professional nasa astronaut and be selected for human mission to Mars! Another dream is to be a Virgin Atlantic airline Pilot and flying around the world!

Hobbies: Astrophotography, learning different languages and space knowledge

Academic Plans: Graduating with a bio degree!

Election Day 22nd January 2021 (IST)


Vote For me, WHY?

I won't say I'm perfect! Or I won't make any fake promises prior to being elected as a president or ambassador representative!

But I have a trust on myself that If I'm elected, I will do my duties to the best of my abilities! I will be at my best!This is what I promise!

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